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Our Background

The organisation is established for charitable purposes only with an aim to serve as a hub for bringing people together from the Refugee, Asylum, BME (Black and Minority Ethnic), Migrant worker communities living in Glasgow area, and in particular the priority needs groups, to ensure they have full and equal access to all resources available which may assist in improving their employment, standard of living and promoting their integration within their communities

Founded on a strong belief in accessible education, New Creation is proud to bring support to all corners of Scotland through our mentoring schemes, counselling service, and community-binding activities. Each year our BME community grows and strengthens, and our service users as passionate and curious learners.

Regardless of what their social and ethnic backgrounds are, our service users receive customized, high-quality emotional support and intellectual support from licensed professionals who are always available through online and face-to-face channels. We’re here to provide the push of personal development and self-empowerment you need.

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